Part 7: Receiving the Package
Music: Monochrome (Map)Music: Straight Chaser (Examination)

Last time, Dunning asked us to relax in our room. So that's what we're going to do now.

Wall lamp There's a light above the painting.
Painting There's a painting on the wall. It's a still life.

Zoomed-in painting Those are some tasty-looking apples. I must be getting hungry.
Bed So this is where I'll be sleeping? Bed's a bed, I guess.
Phone There's a phone next to the bed.

Music: Serenity

Kyle hangs up.
Music: Monochrome (Map)
Music: Straight Chaser (Examination)
I didn't even know that scene exist. Same with that scene with Melissa's father.
Phone again There's a phone next to the bed, which means I can call Rachel.
Dresser Hey, a dresser! I've just got an old box in my place.
Brochure Hotel brochure's next to the phone.

Paperclip There's a paper clip on the brochure.

Table lamp It's a lamp with a dingy shade. Bet it used to be white.

Window Can't see anything out the window.
Bed So this is where I'll be sleeping? Bed's a bed, I guess. (Same comment as before.)
Lamp I've got a small lamp next to my lamp. Beats candles.
Lamp stand There's a shoddy-looking wooden stand here.

Lamp There's a lamp on the wall.
Mirror There's a mirror above the sink.
Towels Got some towels on the shelf. Nice to see things in order.
Toiletries There's some shampoo and stuff in front of the mirror.
Sink That's your basic sink. Just like the one I got at home.
Toilet paper It's toilet paper. This hotel's looking better and better all the time.
Toilet It's a toilet. Big surprise, this being the bathroom and all.
Curtain There's a shower curtain around the bathtub.
Bathtub Bathtub's clean. That gets a gold star in my book.

This game really tries to capture the old-school feeling. Unfortunately, old-school doesn't always mean good. Case in point: that wall.

Rack There's a wooden hanger rack attached to the wall.
Hanger The hanger's attached to the rack. Do people really try to steal these?

Zoomed-in hanger That's a wire hanger.

TV Now THAT'S and old TV. Bet it's black-and-white.
Fridge Hey, there's a minifridge under the TV. How's that for class?
Pitcher There's a pitcher and a cup on the bureau. Last thing I want is water.
Cabinet Got myself a small bureau. It's empty, and it's going to stay that way.
A quick google search shows that 'bureau' in this case is a British word while this game is set in USA.
Lamp There's a floor lamp in the corner of the room.
Chair That's a wooden chair.
Table There's a round table in the corner of the room.
Suitcase My suitcase is sitting on the table.

OK, that's enough relaxing. Let's finally open our suitcase and get our money.
Use suitcase key on suitcase

Another easy minigame. All we need to do is put the key in the keyhole.

And then we just have to turn it. It's no big d...


Why would you know how to pick a lock? Anyway, someone then knocks the door.

Hullo? Hey, got a package from the front desk.

And we're finished with the first part of the first chapter! Each chapter is divided into 3 parts.

So now we should open the door. Everytime we want to do so we have to get near the door and press the 'door' icon. Annoying but not as bad as the phone.
Music stops

Great service and grammar.

We just have to tap the top box. No, we can't take the bottom box.
I take one of the boxes from the bellhop.

New Music: Easy Feeling

This guy is really bad at lying.

Well, we don't know him, but Kyle seems to. So we probably should 'greet' him.
You sound familiar!

We now need to tap the bellhop.
I grab the bellhop's chin and yank his head up.

(??? You got your act together? ???)

Bad memories of me, eh?

(??? No guests with my name? ???)

It's kind of complicated...

(??? A different vibe? ???)
Music: Rainy Night

Read note

Write note

Show pager

Show room 215 key

Show hotel brochure

Show others

And as always, we're going to ask those questions next time!
Audience participation: figure out how to open the suitcase.